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Inclusive Adolescent Education B.S.

Be an engaging, antiracist and inclusive English, science, mathematics, or social studies teacher, 是谁培养了所有学习者对学科的热爱,并帮助他们在课堂之外取得成功.
Student teaches inside of a classroom.

About this Program

全纳青少年教育是一个新项目,延续了SOE的光荣传统,即全纳和特殊教育教师的培养,以及班级中最优秀的学生实地实习, including in New York City; study abroad; clinical simulations; and more.

  • 获得纽约州7-12年级内容领域的双重认证(英语), mathematics, science, 或社会研究)及残疾学生(所有年级), 金标准认证可能会转移到大多数其他州.
  • 在一个致力于公平的项目中学习, antiracist, and inclusive practices, 包括相信所有学生都有权利在典型的课堂环境中接受有意义的教育.
  • Get a small school feel at a dynamic R1 research university through personalized academic and career advising; the opportunity to work closely with internationally recognized faculty, including on research projects; and with a cohort that takes many of its classes together.
  • 从五个学期的实习开始你的教学, 从第一学期开始,你将获得多个符合纽约州要求的实习机会, 提供不同层次的课堂教学简介.
  • 在临床模拟(SIMs)中体验我们的突破性工作,以实现现实的专业前实践, 在学校和课堂环境中复制常见的互动.

Program Information

Degree Type






College or School

Career Path


School of Education

雪城大学教育学院通过包容和反种族主义的实践推进了教学和学习的未来, integration of digital technology, 以及植根于校园和社区伙伴关系的体验式学习.通过培养一个欢迎学习的社区,支持不同的潜力, 学校指导和培养下一代有影响力和创新的教育工作者, scholars and leaders.从第一年开始的沉浸式培训和独特的研究和创造机会,从实地体验到现场教育模拟,再到引人入胜的实习, 教育学院的毕业生有能力激励几代人.
Explore the School

教育学院是一个紧密的社区,培养未来的教育工作者. 它为学生进入课堂提供了充足的机会,并在毕业后继续支持你. 我非常感谢这个社区以及我所得到的所有支持和爱!

Zoe Haigh ’21, G’22
Zoe Haigh headshot



课程和实地经验为教学方法提供了丰富的经验, disability and inclusion, 并为所有学习者调整教学和评估.

Major in biology, chemistry, earth science, English and textual studies, history, mathematics, 或者是物理,为将来在课堂上教授你的特定学科做准备.

Extracurricular Opportunities

Study and Teach in NYC

Bridge to the City

选择花一个秋季学期在纽约市上课和全职学生教学. Broaden your perspectives in a diverse community, 在纽约地区获得创新的专业实践和网络.

Experience the World

Study Abroad

参加教育学院海外短期学习旅行或世界各地的学期项目. 教育学院的学生有资格获得独家资助,以支持出国留学经历.

Professional Honor Society

Kappa Delta Pi

加入由学生领导的Kappa Delta Pi的Alpha Delta Iota分会, 国际专业发展教育荣誉协会, fellowship and service opportunities.

三名学生举着手臂在kappa delta PI横幅前摆姿势
Explore Social Justice

Spector/Warren Fellowship

这个奖学金每年都会把对教育感兴趣的学生带到休斯顿大屠杀博物馆, where they learn from experts, firsthand accounts and survivors, 获得工具,将澳门线上赌场大屠杀和人权的课程纳入任何课堂科目.


Learn more about this program

Start your application
Start your academic journey with us.
Explore affordability
Learn about grants and scholarships.
Schedule a tour
Plan your visit and get ready to make yourself at home.